Semiconductor decapsulation has always been done with acid. But semiconductors are changing: they’re more delicate, more complex, more powerful. And decapsulation methods have to adapt — or risk rendering samples useless by wiping out the evidence at failure sites.
The reality is, acid isn’t fit for purpose anymore. It’s not selective or refined enough to give your lab teams the results they — and your end clients — need.
And there is a better alternative: Microwave-Induced Plasma (MIP) technology.
MIP technology uses oxygen or hydrogen-based recipes for selective etching. It clears all organic and inorganic materials during decapsulation, leaving the original failure.
Acid might be quick, but what if it destroys your sample? You’re back to square one, re-running all your pre-acid analysis and losing valuable time. With a gentler, perfectly precise MIP machine, your semiconductor decapsulations will work every time.
MIP decapsulation times can be slower than acid, but getting every analysis right the first time means your lab will operate more efficiently overall.
MIP machines are completely automated — load up to 6 samples and run your decapsulations overnight, over the weekend or across shifts. And, while acid has a shelf life, a MIP machine is always ready.
Any technician in your lab can operate a MIP machine, so there’s no need to rely on your handful of acid specialists. For every sample you run, you’re looking at minor costs for gases and electricity, rather than more significant costs for personnel, acid and other consumables.
Move with the market: evolve your lab beyond acid to the better MIP alternative.
You can put our MIP decapsulation machine to the test, too — get in touch, and we’ll work together to plan an evaluation of your samples:
Mark McKinnon, Sales Director
+64 226494754